Broadband help

Connect a VoIP phone

1. This guide shows the connection of a VoIP telephone to the router. If you are connecting a normal analogue phone, please see the Connect an Analogue phone topic.

2. Make sure that your Router is plugged in and the power is on.

3. Make sure Statusstatus inline, Broadbandbb inline and Internet lightswww inline are green.

4. To connect a VoIP phone, plug the VoIP phone directly in to the desired green Phone port.

5. You phone is ready to use.

If the phone does not work automatically you may need to enable telephony on your router.

6. To enable Telephony, open a web browser.

7. Type into the address bar and press Enter on the keyboard to access the routerʼs settings.

8. When you have Signed in (see the Topic “Log into the Router Management Interface”), click the OFF toggle in the Telephony panel.

9. Telephony has been enabled.